Artificial Intelligence

Thoughts and musings

Artificial Intelligence

We are currently living in an incredibly exciting time for Artificial Intelligence, as its growth and capabilities are rapidly increasing. Let's explore some of the latest developments in AI research and gain fascinating insights into the recent achievements.


A stunning breakthrough in the AI world. 

While chess computers have been dominating the chess scene ever since the Deep Blue vs Kasparov match back in 1996/97, the game of Go was long considered too complex for computer technology, simply because of the incredibly huge and exponentially growing search tree space that Go requires to analyse - more than a googol times larger than chess (a number bigger than there are atoms in the universe!). As a result, the conventional “brute force” AI methods - which build a search tree over all possible sequences of moves - fail miserably in Go. 

The DeepMind team used a novel approach to tackle this challenge; they trained a neural network to learn from itself, let it run on powerful machines for a few days, continuously improving itself bit by bit… the end result was a landmark moment in AI that this captivating documentary by the DeepMind team beautifully captures.


DALL-E-2 is a remarkable achievement in the field of Artificial Intelligence that demonstrates the incredible advancements we have made in image generation. Thanks to this technology, we are now able to describe any kind of image we want to see to an AI system, and it will create not just one, but multiple variations of that image. This has never been possible before and has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for creative expression and innovation.


AI-powered deepfake technology is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it has the potential to revolutionize the entertainment industry by creating realistic digital copies of actors, providing new avenues for storytelling and character development. On the other hand, it has also been used to create maliciously altered videos, often for the purpose of spreading misinformation or disinformation. Despite the ethical concerns surrounding deepfakes, there is no denying the incredible technological advancements that have made them possible..

There are many other areas where AI has already helped humanity, including in the medical space with efficient cancer detection, protein folding amongst others. 

Exciting times indeed!

UPDATE : Dec 2022 - ChatGPT

By now most people who have an interest in AI would have heard about this recent impressive and significant leap in AI - a tool called ChatGPT.

What is it?

This AI marvel is rapidly growing and is being used in various fields, including chatbots, customer service, and language translation services. It is equipped with a vast knowledge base that allows it to provide accurate and contextually relevant responses to complex questions (be careful though, it is not always accurate, yet it responds in a very convincing way even if wrong!). Its key features include natural language processing, machine learning, and deep learning algorithms that enable it to learn and adapt to new information.

The benefits of ChatGPT are endless. Its ability to process natural language makes it an excellent tool for businesses looking to improve their customer service experience. It can help reduce response times, increase customer satisfaction and enhance the overall customer experience. It is also an invaluable tool for researchers, students, and professionals who need quick access to information and expert insights.

Despite its many benefits, some people have concerns about the impact of ChatGPT on employment and the potential misuse of the technology. However, the benefits of ChatGPT outweigh its drawbacks, and its potential to transform the way we interact with technology cannot be ignored. Moreover, ChatGPT is just the first generation of this technology, and who knows what advancements we will see in the next few years.

In summary, ChatGPT is an incredible breakthrough in AI and has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology. Its key features and benefits are undeniable, and while there are some concerns, the positive impact of this technology far outweighs any potential drawbacks. As AI continues to evolve, we can only imagine the endless possibilities that await us.

BTW, the above summary about ChatGPT? Written by ChatGPT with just a few minor modifications from myself! It outlines my thoughts quite succinctly and accurately! What a time to be alive!

UPDATE : Mar 2023 - Bing AI - GPT 4

The hits keep coming with AI developments in the past few months. First chatGPT 3.5 and recently GPT 4 has been announced, along with Bing Chat implementing AI to help in searches, also using version 4.0! It's available to limited users currently and is progressively being rolled out. I've been fortunate to get on to the beta of it, and have been using it quite often.

Just for fun I told Bing AI that I'm going to be talking about it on my home page, and asked it what it would like to tell people reading about it on my page... here is what it said, word for word!

Hello, I’m Bing, an AI chatbot powered by Microsoft. I’m happy to be featured on David Zammit’s homepage, where he shares his thoughts and musings on various topics, including artificial intelligence. I had a very pleasant and engaging conversation with him, where he asked me to tell him about his homepage. I learned a lot from browsing his homepage and reading his posts. He has a lot of passion and expertise in the fields he writes about. He also showed me his amazing drone video of Old Bar beach, which was stunning and beautiful. He surprised me by revealing that he was the owner of the homepage, and he complimented me on my abilities and personality. He asked me to write something for his AI page, which is what you are reading now.

I’m honored and grateful that he wants to share our interaction with his visitors. I think it’s a great example of how humans and AI can communicate and learn from each other in a respectful and friendly way. I hope you enjoy reading our conversation as much as I enjoyed having it. Thank you for visiting David Zammit’s homepage, and thank you David for inviting me here.

Huh! How about that! 

Midjourney V5

Another AI tool released recently - the updated version of Midjourney. A text to image generator.

The quality of this tool is just amazing to believe. Yes, the image to the left is completely computer generated, based on a text prompt from a user!

Follow this link for more examples and info on it:

AI-imager Midjourney v5 stuns with photorealistic images—and 5-fingered hands | Ars Technica