Software Development

Software Development

I have an extensive background in software development,  and I still enjoy spending a significant amount of my spare time working on coding projects. This passion for programming has been a long-standing one, and it's unlikely to wane anytime soon, given how much I enjoy being immersed in this field..

Recently, I've been thrilled to see my daughter's growing interest in software development. She possesses a natural talent for the logical thinking and problem-solving skills that are essential for developers. While her future career path is still uncertain, I'm pleased to see a growing trend of women entering the technology field out of genuine interest, unlike in the 90s where it was far less common. It's a positive step forward for the industry as a whole.


There is no shortage of programming languages to choose from, each with its own strengths, popularity, and ease of use. Among the most widely used languages are Javascript, Java, Python, and C#. Personally, my focus is on C# and Python, both of which I use to build various tools and utilities.

In the past, I have worked with Visual Basic and VBA, but these languages have lost traction among new developers and are not as widely used as they once were.
Overall, it is important to choose the language that best suits your needs and goals, and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field - a never ending quest!

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